The Veteran Readiness and Employment Services program — VR&E for short — is a benefit administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs to help veterans with service-connected disabilities that make it difficult to work.

The program helps veterans across a number of employment-related tracks: reemployment, rapid access to employment, self-employment, employment through long-term services and independent living. Under the long-term services track, veterans who need higher levels of education or vocational training to maintain suitable employment. That can include money toward certifications or college classes, with benefits comparable to Post-9/11GI Bill®️ payouts.

Important Considerations

If you’re eligible for VR&E, you may be eligible to get up to 48 months of VR&E benefits. 

VR&E is an employment program not an educational program.

If you’re eligible for both VR&E and another education benefit, you may be able to get more benefits by using VR&E first. If you use VR&E benefits first, the VA won’t deduct entitlement from your other VA education benefits, like the Post-9/11 GI Bill or the Montgomery GI Bill.

If you’ve used benefits under any other VA education program and then you use VR&E benefits, the VA will have to deduct from your remaining VR&E entitlement the amount of time used under the other VA education program.

Who is eligible for this program?

To receive the benefits from this program, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • A Veteran with a combined service-connected disability (SCD) rating of at least 20 percent or higher and meets the criteria for an employment handicap;
  • A Veteran with a combined SCD rating of 10 percent and meets the criteria for a serious employment handicap;
  • A Servicemember who is awaiting discharge due to a medical condition resulting from a serious injury or illness from active duty. (Automatic entitlement is based on documentation from military service and not based on a VA disability rating or memorandum rating.); or
  • A Servicemember who is awaiting discharge, has obtained a VA memorandum rating of 20 percent or more, and expects to receive an honorable discharge upon separation from active duty.

Note: A Veteran’s character of discharge must be other than dishonorable discharge or release. Other than dishonorable discharge include general discharge, honorable discharge, and under honorable conditions.

Reservists and National Guard members who are activated for Federal service or who are disabled while on training status are considered Veterans.

Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are considered to be active duty members, and Veterans, once discharged.

Let us assist you in guiding you through this process.

Please also see:

It’s a 4-step Process

1. Go to the Official VA Website and apply for your VA Benefits. We are here to assist if you need some guidance through the process. Do not hesitate to reach out to us. 

2. Choose the course you are interested in and download the Registration Form found below the course description.
Fill out the form and we can accept a “wet” signature on the 1st day of Class

3. Gather transcripts (Military, College, Dive Certifications, etc.) even if they do not directly apply to the course. This is required by the VA in order to apply any valid previous training.

4. Send us (electronically or mail) the Registration Form and transcripts to: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
3 Aloha Tower Dr. Suite 1123
Honolulu, HI 96816

The Department of Defense (DoD) SkillBridge program is an opportunity for service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of service.

For service members, DoD SkillBridge provides an invaluable chance to work and learn in civilian career areas. For industry partners, DoD SkillBridge is an opportunity to access and leverage the world’s most highly trained and motivated workforce at no cost. Service members participating in DoD SkillBridge programs continue receiving their military compensation and benefits, while industry partners provide the civilian training and work experience.

Installation and unit commanders who have members about to transition from active duty, bridge the gap between their service members’ end of service and the beginning of their civilian careers with the DoD SkillBridge participation. Commanders ease this military-to-civilian transition period for their members when they permit SkillBridge participation with trusted employers.

Service members can be granted up to 180 days of permissive duty to focus solely on training full-time with approved industry partners after their chain of command, field grade commander, provides written authorization and approval. These industry partners offer real-world training and in-demand work experience while having the opportunity to evaluate the service member’s suitability for future employment.

Download the Flyer

Please contact [email protected] for opportunities to take advantage of this program with Trident Adventures.

Please also see:

Trident Adventures is CPS Approved.

In basic terms, CSP is nested under the DoD Skillbridge Program, but specific to the US Army. The US Army Career Skills Program (CSP) offers active duty soldiers the chance to participate in skills training to improve their civilian employment options during their transition period. The program offers a variety of opportunities, including: Pre-apprenticeships, On-the-job training, Employment skills training, and Internships. 

Please see:

The CSP allows soldiers to learn new skills from private employers while still being paid by the military. The program also gives employers the opportunity to train and potentially hire soldiers after the internship program. CSPs can help soldiers obtain industry-recognized skills and move into high-demand, high-skill careers at little to no cost. 

Soldiers must meet certain requirements to participate in the CSP, including: 

Being within 180 days of their separation or retirement date 

Completing TAP Career Readiness Standards requirements 

Having garrison commander approval 

CSP programs are either free or can be paid for using G.I. Bill and/or grants. Soldiers retain their pay and allowances while participating in the program. 

Download the Flyer

Please contact Trident Adventures representative for this program, Marlena Neal: [email protected]

If you are in Hawaii, your local CPS representative can be reached at: [email protected]

Many Colleges and Universities accept these professional certifications obtained through Trident Adventures that will translate to College Credits upon successful completion.  

Please contact your educational institution for acceptance. 

To enroll, the prospective student must first submit a completed Professional Course Registration Form. Forward the completed form, photocopies of prior diving certifications (if applicable), and registration fee of $97.50 by check or credit card to Trident Adventures, located at 3 Aloha Tower, Unit 1123, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.  Enrollment is taken on a first come, first serve basis. It is recommended to submit the Registration Form and the relevant Course of Instruction (COI) enrollment agreement at least 30 days in advance. Upon receipt of the course registration and payment of registration fees, a copy of the course outline, schedule of tuition, fees, and other charges, regulations pertaining to absences, grading policy, and rules of operation and conduct will be furnished to the student.

Due to the professional nature of training, all students must complete a medical form no later than the first day of class. For the Divemaster (DM), Assistant Instructor (AI), Emergency First Response Instructor (EFRI), and Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) students, the Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire form is provided by PADI and is the same medical form required of all PADI students worldwide. Cast Master students have a Helicopter Cast Master Medical Participant Questionnaire form. Each medical form is included in the student’s enrollment packet and must be signed off by a physician or physician’s assistant. No exceptions.

All professional level training students must be at least 18-years of age by the start date of the course. Specific course prerequisites are listed under each course description. The maximum student to instructor ratio within the agency, as well as TA, is 8:1 for all diving certifications and 8:1 for Cast Master. 

Download: All Diving Courses Registration Form

Download: Helicopter Cast Master Course Resistration Form

You can expect to be treated with utmost respect. You will be presented with a well-developed, step-by-step instructional curriculum as presented by highly credentialed instructors in a safe but challenging learning environment.

Each course has its own time requirements with a minimum of 22 contact hours per week to be considered as a full-time student.
– PADI Divemaster: 7-weeks
– PADI Assistant Instructor: 2-weeks
– PADI Emergency First Response Instructor: 1-week
– PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor: 5-weeks
– Helicopter Cast Master: 3-weeks

Plan for a mixture of online training, classroom sessions, as well as practical training. 

Course are scheduled year-round. Specific course openings can be obtained upon request or Downloaded HERE

[email protected]
Ph: (808)-762-2532

Prior Credit

Trident Adventures’ dive programs use the PADI system of continuing education for all diving credentials and instruction. Therefore, it is possible for students to enter the program with some existing level of certification. The Trident Adventures’ PADI Course Director (CD) will evaluate the student’s relevant dive experience, education or training, and may grant credit for those qualified areas. Following a review and equivalency check, the CD will provide the student with an assessment of the evaluation.

For Helicopter Cast Master students, the Helicopter Cast Master Course Director will review any prior training, education, credentials, or certifications issued or awarded by either the civilian or government/military sectors in prior relevant fields. This is for all facets of training within the Helicopter Cast Master COI which includes, but is not limited to, all water training (surface and subsurface), emergency first response training, and helicopter operations/cast training. 

Prior credit granted will result in a reduction of both length and cost in the program of study. Therefore, students must provide transcripts of all prior education and training to the School Certifying Official as a requirement of the Initial Enrollment process. The respective COI’s Course Directors will review, evaluate and place the student in their proper training timeline. Prior educational documents and the evaluation of credits will be kept with the student’s record on file at TA.

 NOTE: Students utilizing Veteran Administration (VA) Benefits are required to provide transcripts of all prior education and training for review to the TA Administrative Team.

Attendance Requirements
School attendance records will reflect daily presence in class, absences, and any late “tardy” arrivals (more than 15 minutes late) of students for each day of instruction. The instructional staff will strive to coach, mentor, and teach, provided the student continuously demonstrates a willingness to learn and attends all scheduled sessions.

Students are expected to attend class each day and be on time as specified by their respective course schedule and as established by the school’s attendance policy. No absence excuses a student from completing a course performance requirement.

Each student specifically agrees to make-up fees for unexcused absences in the Enrollment Agreement. The respective fee(s) for missed classes will be coordinated with the TA Administrative Staff prior to making up the missed class(es):

  • $120.00 4hr classroom make-up session
  • $219.00 3hr boat make-up session
  • $340.00 3hr pool make-up session
  • $850.00 per rotary wing lift

Attendance Records
The student’s attendance is documented and retained in the student’s record at Trident Adventures, 3 Aloha Tower, Unit 1123, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.

Excused Absences
Excused absences will consist of medical emergencies, doctor’s appointments, jury duty, military duty, and immediate family emergencies.  An absence may also be excused if pre-arranged and approved by either the Program Manager, or the Assistant Program Manager, and in agreement with the COI’s CD prior to the start date of the course. The student will coordinate with the COI’s CD who will assign an instructor and schedule all necessary make-up work. Students approved for extended excused absences (i.e. military duty, etc.) will qualify for re-enrollment.

Unexcused Absences
Students who have an unexcused absence will be referred to their COI’s CD who will counsel the student verbally (for each incident) on the attendance policy and a written memorandum of record will be placed in the student’s file, which will be signed by the student and CD.  Students are permitted to make-up a maximum of two (2) missed classes per COI. Students that accumulate three (3) unexcused absences during a COI will be placed on an Academic Probationary Period.

Tardiness, Missing Class
Students will be given a 15-minute grace period for tardiness. If a student receives four (4) tardies, they shall be given one (1) unexcused absence and will be referred to the Program Manager or Assistant Program Manager for administrative counseling, which will be documented in the student’s file.

Academic Probationary Period
The purpose of academic probation is to provide a one (1) calendar week period of time, for the student placed on probation, to catch up to the class’s progress. During this period, the student will receive more one-on-one instruction from the TA staff, which will require the student to pay for additional training time. If the student fulfills all of the minimum requirements, at any point while on probationary status, and is able to catch up to the class’s current progress, then the student will be immediately taken off probation and return to the current class. If the student does not acquire the minimum passing requirements and standards, as outlined by the “Grading and Standards” guidelines, then the student will be completely dismissed from the course. Upon dismissal, the student will be eligible for Re-Enrollment.

All courses at Trident Adventures are based on competency, performance, and knowledge within the certifying agency’s standards.  In order to complete a COI and become certified through Trident Adventures, as per the certifying agency’s standards and criteria, the student must demonstrate a mastery of the course’s written and performance requirements. The requirements for each of these courses are detailed in each COI’s training documents.  Copies of these documents are maintained at Trident Adventures and are provided to every student at the commencement of each COI.

At the discretion of the COI’s instructor, pre-assessment examinations may be conducted to determine the student’s current knowledge and skill level. These pre-assessments will not affect the student’s grade in the course, but exist to serve as a tool for the instructor to better prepare the students to complete each course to satisfaction. Students are required to achieve a passing grade prior to progressing to the COI’s next level.  Possible grades include the following:

Overall Course Grades

            P: Pass – Student has met the minimum course requirements.
            F: Fail – Student has not met the minimal course requirements.           
Withdraw – Withdrawn from the course.

A minimum score of 75% on all Written Exams (unless otherwise annotated in the respective COI) is considered passing. Exams will be followed by an oral review of any missed questions to ensure that the students have a full understanding of the material. 

Students who fail an exam will be allowed two (2) more attempts to pass.  After a third failed attempt, the student will be placed on an Academic Probation Period and the Trident Adventures’ instructional staff will contact the COI’s CD to coordinate a remedial session.  Students who pass will receive credit for passing, will be immediately removed from academic probation, and will be permitted to continue with the class in its current progression. 

Costs for a classroom remedial session will be the responsibility of the student.  If a student chooses to withdraw at this point, they will receive withdrawal (W) grade.  Each COI taught by Trident Adventures, in accordance with its certifying agency’s standards, must be completed within 12-months or students will be required to repeat the course from the beginning. 

NOTE: Students who receive a Failing (F) grade, for any assignment, practical examination, quiz, test, or any other graded portion, at any point within their respective COI, will be placed on immediate Academic Probation. 

Written Exam Grades
            A:    100%-90%             – Pass
89%-80%              – Pass
79%-75%              – Pass
74%-65%               – Re-testing required
64% and below     – Re-testing required

Performance Scoring

The student is assessed with the Performance Exam Grades (below). Students must achieve a minimum score of 3 in order to pass.  Examples include: Knowledge Review Presentations, Confined Water and Open Water Skills Presentations, Helo Cast practical assessments, etc., which are scored on a scale of 1 through 5. TA’s Instructor staff will review, with each student, all performance requirements at the beginning of each course.  Please see the explanation below for details.

Performance Exam Grades (Course Skills/Classroom and/or Practical Presentations)

5: Excellent – Skill and presentation conducted in a calm, controlled manner with respect to key points to a “demonstration” quality. – Pass

4: Good – Skill and presentation conducted in a calm, controlled manner with respect to key points. – Pass

3: Average – Skill and presentation conducted correctly, however too quickly or messy to adequately exhibit (or illustrate) details. – Pass

2: Below Average – Skill and presentation conducted with significant difficulty or error. – Re-testing required

1: Unacceptable – Student unable to perform or complete Skill and Presentation. – Re-testing required


Qualified full-time students (22 contact hours per week) utilizing their post 9/11 GI Bill® will receive BAH housing allowance as an E-5 with dependents, Honolulu, Hawaii. Note: Not all GI Bill® Chapters offer a Housing Allowance

All offered courses and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are regulated by the guidelines, standards, and practices of the following agencies:


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
The FAA is the largest transportation agency of the U.S. government and regulates all aspects of civil aviation in the country as well as over surrounding international waters.  Its powers include air traffic management, certification of personnel and aircraft, setting standards for airports, and protection of U.S. assets during the launch or re-entry of commercial space vehicles.  Under the FAA’s jurisdiction of certifying personnel, Trident Adventures is recognized as the only school house that has the authority to certify Cast Masters in accordance with the “HELOCAST Standard Operating Procedures Manual.”


Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI)
With more than 6,600 PADI Dive Centers and Resorts, and 137,000 individual PADI Professionals who have issued more than 27 million certifications around the world, you’ll find PADI diver courses and scuba diving services nearly everywhere.  The PADI System of diver education is based on progressive training that introduces skills, safety-related information and local environmental knowledge to student divers in stages.  PADI courses are student-centered and provide maximum practice and realistic application.  PADI Professionals make underwater exploration and scuba diving adventures possible while maintaining the highest standards for diver training, safety and customer service.  PADI’s “Four Es Philosophy” is that the dive lifestyle requires four elements:


  • Education: Beyond simply learning to scuba dive, you expand your capabilities as a diver through continued education. PADI’s full range of diver courses introduces you to new underwater activities and can even help you make a career move to become a PADI Professional.
  • Experience: PADI dive shops offer a variety of experiences from local dive tours to exotic dive travel. Diving is a social activity and, by affiliating with a PADI Dive Center or Resort, you can explore dive sites nearby or visit vacation destinations around the world with others who share your interests.
  • Equipment: Scuba gear makes diving possible. The best place to learn about all the fun gadgets and new scuba equipment available to you is at your local PADI Dive Center or Resort.
  • Environmental Conservation: A healthy underwater environment is essential to good diving and divers are great advocates for protecting our water resources. Throughout PADI courses, divers learn the importance of protecting fragile aquatic ecosystems and are encouraged to become involved in local and global conservation efforts.  For more than two (2) decades, PADI has partnered with Project AWARE® – a global nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting our ocean planet – one dive at a time.  More information can be found at

Emergency First Response (EFR)
Emergency First Response (EFR) is a PADI affiliate and is one of the fastest-growing international Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and first-aid training organizations for adults and children in the world.  With more than 56,000 instructors worldwide, EFR is backed by 48-years of experience in the development and delivery of instructional courses, training materials and educational curricula.  These courses are designed for everyone, not just diving professionals or Helicopter CM’s.

The Emergency First Response Instructors (EFRI) certification is a prerequisite of becoming a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor and higher-level certifications.  More information can be found at

Notice: All Trident Adventures’ training curriculums are available to the public and not exclusive to Veterans, Active-Duty Military and their qualified dependents.

Interested in Trident Adventures civilian Dive training, Dive experiences, Snorkeling, SEAL Experience, Guided Hunting, or Helicopter Jumps?  Contact the Main Office number: (808) 762-3483  | Email: [email protected]

Trident Adventures offers adaptive SCUBA lessons and courses. Individuals with disabilities, both physical and psychological challenges that might otherwise be discouraged from being active, are given the opportunity to dive. These classes are taught with the utmost attention to the safety and consideration of the participant. The instruction techniques utilized have evolved over decades of accomplished teaching and research, resulting in a learning experience that is safer and fun! Multilevel student certification enables Trident Adventures to train individuals with all types of disabilities, impairments, or challenges (such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; and physical disabilities such as amputations). Participation in such aquatic activities has resulted in stronger social activity interaction, physical rehabilitation, and positive life-changing attitudes. Following this mission, Trident Adventures staff is certified by PADI on Adaptive Diving Techniques. Through this training, Trident Adventures staff learned to provide excellent care and additional resources to accommodate adaptive scuba divers and bring the joy of scuba to everyone, including those with adaptation needs. This benefits military veterans, people living with disabilities, and other special needs groups promote social interaction, life enrichment, and wellness is paramount in our programs.

Please see: YouTube Video – Adaptive Diving